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개발자: LiveABC
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Unit 1 The Beauty of Norway 挪威之美
Unit 2 Protecting Africa’s Beauty 保護非洲自然美景
Unit 3 Colder Is Better in Quebec City 魁北克市:愈冷愈熱鬧
Unit 4 Cologne: A Cultural Capital 德國文化之都:科隆
Unit 5 Finding Happiness in Denmark 丹麥:發展綠能的幸福國度
Unit 6 Life in a Frozen Land 白色大地生機盎然
Unit 7 The Benefits of Conserving Water 省水好處多
Unit 8 Nitrogen Footprint 被遺忘的酸雨幫兇「氮足跡」
Unit 9 The War against Food Waste 終結剩食大作戰
Unit 10 The Empire of the Incas 印加帝國
Unit 11 The Railway in Taiwan 台灣鐵路史
Unit 12 Japan’s National Flowers 日本國花
Unit 13 Homestay Etiquette 寄宿禮儀
Unit 14 To Tip, or Not to Tip? 改變中的美國小費文化
Unit 15 The Importance of Moderation 適度的重要性
Unit 16 The Secrets of Yoga 瑜珈的祕密
Unit 17 Therapy Dogs 狗醫生
Unit 18 Is MSG Actually Bad for You? 味精有害健康?
Unit 19 A Red Light for Coffee 咖啡紅綠燈
Unit 20 The First Ferris Wheel 浪漫摩天輪
Unit 21 Toy Collectors 玩具收藏家
Unit 22 E-book Library 電子書圖書館
Unit 23 Fingerboarding: Skating at Your Fingertips 手指滑板:指尖上的極限運動
Unit 24 Bored? Play a Tabletop Game 無聊嗎?來玩桌遊吧
Unit 25 Idioms from Greek Mythology 源自希臘神話的英文成語
Unit 26 The Benefits of Speaking a Second Language 學第二語言讓你變聰明!
Unit 27 Watching Your Words: The Issue of Political Correctness 政治正確語言,你用對了嗎?
Unit 28 Tips for Remembering What Youve Learned 幫助記憶的訣竅
Unit 29 Old Metals Become New Medals 東京奧運將廢金屬變成獎牌
Unit 30 Olympics Out of the Ordinary 古怪奧運賽事一籮筐
Unit 31 Working Out the Truth about Exercise Myths 發掘運動迷思的真相
Unit 32 Ingestible Origami Robot 微型摺紙機器人
Unit 33 The New Buzz about Robot Bees 機器人蜜蜂新話題
Unit 34 Smartphone Snoopers 智慧型手機正在監聽你?
Unit 35 Driverless Cars: Steering Us in a New Direction 自動駕駛車駛向新未來